Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lest We Forget Part Two

Having gone up to Campus, receipt in hand for the bill paid, I was met with a blank, dull stare of a Bursar's Office employee.

"What is your problem?" She asks in a mostly pleasant, if bored tone.

I paid this weeks ago and now I can't register for classes and this is the receipt.

"Oh. Ok. What's your student number?"

Blah blah blah.

She types stuff, bobbles her head around a bit, types more stuff. "Ohhh. Yeah. Ok. I removed it. If you still have trouble, which I think this is all clear, you'll have to go see the International Studies Office."

So, I'll be hitting the International Studies Office tomorrow, since I still can't register for classes. (England to 1688 is seven students past full, and I'm going to get a write-in to that class from the Prof, so at least there's hope)

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