Monday, September 10, 2007


1:28pm: Wordcount 79,525

Wrote another five or ten pages longhand to add to the stack I'm still typing. This has been one of those semesters of college that eats up so much time it becomes college or write, pick one. I hate it. At the moment Nano is looking undoable. *cries*

Ever since yesterday I've been fighting off an introspective mood; last night I had homework to help drown it out, but this morning's mathclass and a low grade headache brought it back. It felt like my brain was operating at a slower speed than usual, picking up all the dumb things in class to think about, making me feel sluggish and stupid. I mean, whoever thought to call it "Standard Deviation"? It's an oxymoron. If it's standard, why does it deviate? A whole hour and fifteen minutes of that and I escaped class; four flights of stairs later I recalled I left my water bottle under my chair. I didn't go back for it.

2:23pm: Wordcount 80,468

I swear, there were days last November where I'd do five and six thousand words in one sitting. Right now that feels like a far away, fantastical dream.

3:14pm: Wordcount 81,172

Got to the fight inside the house with the bow and arrow that I asked Charles about before. I'm writing a little more than whats on the paper, but it's for the best. Rounding some edges, I suppose. Have to head to class, perhaps more before work though.

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