Tuesday, September 11, 2007

All Hallows Email


I love Halloween. Probably it's the going about in public in a costume, or the getting free candy, or the whole the harvest is done so now we can safely huddle in our houses as the sun shows up less and less...

I know we read about it, but that after the harvest time must have been so...Life threatening to ancient people. They've really only got their own stores to depend upon against the possibly endless night that's coming up, during which all number of Fair Folk and goblins could just show up at their farm... For them, there might have been a good chance the Winter Solstice would never happen and they'd be stuck that way forever, no crops next year.

Really, Halloween must have been invented by the candy companies. It's too lighthearted and not as do or die as the old days.

Anyway, last night I had this spur of the moment costume idea. I have no idea what I'll do with the costume when it's done, other that wear it, since I haven't really got any Halloween plans other than with whatever Trish is doing. But the pursuit of the costume is going well... Lots of little parts to find and all that.

Oh, and I wanted to post this before we all forget, and say thanks! Clockwise it's Chris Appel with the Dinosaur, Cliff Biggers with the Peering Monster, Me with the Chicken (Quail), and Charles Rutledge with Conan. I did the dialog. ^_^

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