Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Script Sample

TERRI: Well, there you go.

CORINE: There I go what?

TERRI: (sighs) Guys aren't that complicated, you know. He's in High School and he wants to be edgy and intellectual. Whats edgy and intellectual?

CORINE: Nietzsche?

TERRI: Yes. So he buys all of it out, and he reads it a little-

CORINE: He read all of it.

TERRI: So he reads all of it, and now he's edgy and intellectual. You're brilliant, and he's kind of...

CORINE: Intellectual?

TERRI: (leans around the shelf, bodice ripper in hand) Do chicks really dig this?

CORINE: I guess. Seems like it sells well enough.

TERRI: It damn near pays the bills around here.

CORINE: About Bobby?

TERRI: Yeah, sure. Intellectual. Thats what he is. So you two hook up, and do “intellectual” things together. Except, when the time comes he doesn't step up to bat at being intellectual. He goes for the car repair job, and you go on to college. Who's the intellectual one now?

CORINE: (quietly) I am?

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