Thursday, May 10, 2007


One entry found for escalate.
Main Entry: es·ca·late
Pronunciation: 'es-k&-"lAt, ÷-ky&-
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -lat·ed; -lat·ing
Etymology: back-formation from escalator
intransitive verb : to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope "a little war threatens to escalate into a huge ugly one -- Arnold Abrams"

Thats copypasta from here.

It's the word my mother uses to shut down any argument with me. I'm sick of it. I never want to hear it again.

For those of you in the know, I brought up the Friday Incident, and explained that I was hurt by the excuse offered; that I'd been duped, and how.

Evidently, I should be happy I was even allowed to go, and that some other excuse could have been given, and that I am wrong, that the excuse wasn't really one since we really did spend time together. You know, in the car.

This is impossible. I can't even talk about this, because I've been "sworn to secrecy" for all but a select few, and I'm keeping my word. Because...

I'm not even sure. It matters to me, though. It matters to me that I keep my word, and as much as I'm not always sure about my own feelings, I'm certain I'm right in being angry, as much as I can't show it right now. I feel incandescent with it. Warm. Sometimes, even lethal, like someone who's become immune to the poison they've been eating.

And since I'm upset, and I won't just drop it, I'm "escalating" the problem, and that I "always do that", and that I "have blinders on" if I can't see what's really going on.

No apology, of course.

I do wonder who's really wearing the blinders though. And I'm glad this isn't five years ago.

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