Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Books, books, books.

I picked up Anne Macaffrey's Crystal Singer last week at Book Exchange. Normally I give books the 50 page test that I learned from Charles- the first fifty pages were just kind of... Sleepy isn't the right word, but I wasn't excited about anything Killashandra was up to either. But I couldn't stop reading it either. I think I'm about 3/4 the way through it and I don't want to read it anymore, but I do. I guess Killashandra isn't very interesting, but Anne's writing is very good.

Then I picked up Dracula, My Love by Syrie James which is a retelling of Dracula from Mina's POV. I'm only about a hundred pages in, but it's a good read. Not YOU HAVE TO READ THIS yet, but it's amusing.

And last night I noticed that Clive Barker's Absolute Midnight which is the third book in the Abarat series was supposed to be out last month. I think it was also supposed to be out last month last year. Come on Clive, put the book out- there's not even any fanfic I know of to bridge the gaps.


Talyrath said...

I always thought Anne McCaffrey's books were the white bread of sci-fi/fantasy. Bad things very rarely happen in her books and they almost always happen off camera. She always manages to maintain your interest, but her books almost never invoke an emotional response. (And yeah, I know I'm commenting on a 4 month old post)

Bentochan said...

The only book of her's I've ever really been mad about was... Ah, Dragonsinger or Dragondrums, one of those two. The girl who runs away from home because she's not allowed to sing and winds up adopting a ton of firedragons... And now that I think of it I'm not sure I've ever gotten to the end of it.

Give me Robin McKinley or Tanith Lee or Clive Barker any day.