Thursday, January 3, 2008

The End of Week 1

While I was out in Vegas Dad made a point of pointing out how over weight I am, something I've known but haven't done all that much about for a while. I do a lot of walking on campus, but apparently not enough even with carting school books around. I switched from drinking Kool-aid to water, and quit buying hamburgers at the store so I'd eat more of the chicken tenderloins in the freezer.

The water/chicken thing made me gain ten more pounds. I can't even explain that one.

Anyway, it got to the end of the year, and I was thinking about Dad's diabetes, and how I look like a pregnant horse in all the pictures my friends take, and I decided to start my new year's resolution early. Picked up a cheap digital watch so I can set an alarm to eat every two hours, just something small, to get my metabolism going, and I've been doing time on our Gazelle. Part of me thinks it's wussy exercise equipment, but it's no impact which my knees thank me for. Once school starts up again in a few days I can see about hitting the gym there too.

I weighed myself last week to see what I was starting at, and when I checked the scale this morning I'd lost two pounds. In a week. Woot. And I finally got up to twenty minutes on the Gazelle, and despite the fifty yoga ball sit-ups I did on the first day, I topped out at thirty-six last night. I need to get back up to a hundred.


cliff said...

Dieting is a matter of finding what works for you. Charles prefers high-protein, low-carb; I prefer ultra-low fat but lots of protein and carbs. Each diet is correct for the person following it, but my diet doesn't work as well for Charles and his diet doesn't work as well for me. Once you find the right one for you--and it sounds like you may have already done so--you'll begin to notice the benefits.

Jason said...

And you should also check out the Shaolin Center. 20 minutes of cardio conditioning/strength training, 40 minutes of material per class. Going three-four times a week will burn a total of 3500-4000 calories a week. That's the equivalent of two days' average caloric intake.

Plus you learn how to kick people in the face!


Anonymous said...

Don't improvise your diet. Go to the nutritionist, and let him/her write the right diet for you. You will see good results at a constant pace.