Monday, December 22, 2008

Cookies and a Cut

Ok, so I'm probably not going to delete my blog. I was just in a bad mood the other night, and I'm glad I have readers. I just sometimes worry that since I'm not base jumping or setting things on fire this isn't very interesting for everyone and you've all gone away.

I mean, I can't even get my YO and K2TOG to look like it's supposed to, so it's not like I can post pics of this shawl I'm trying to work on. And size 35 is a beast to cast on.

However, I have pics of food:

CHRISTMAS COOKIES!!1! Seriously tasty, too. I made enough to fill a bread bag and about three days later that bread bag is empty. I have no idea how that happened. *innocent face*

And... Drumroll please... Remember my friend Kayla from Italy? She's a photography major and we did a photoshot that involved a make over...



Jean in Georgia said...

The cookies rock, the makeover looks great, and what the heck are you doing knitting on railroad spikes???

Kayla said...

you do look totally cute! and you're welcome!i plan to get my flat iron out one day and straighten ALL your hair.. at the very least it will make for entertaining blogness. BTW has your mom totally flipped her shit over the OTHER shots we got?LOL