Saturday, November 29, 2008

What Bentochan has been doing the last three days

1. Not working on her novel much.
2. Working like a slave in a salt mine on Black Friday.
3. Learning that she cannot do a YO or a k2tog by herself.
4. Making chocolate cloud cake.
5. Drinking coffee out of the Vampire Knight EGL teacup Allison gave her. (LOVE IT!!)
6. Climbing shelves farther than corporate would like.
7. Aching.
8. Cutting her hair.
9. Looking at the girl on the Aeropostale winter ad and feeling like a house.
10. Getting up before god intended.


Jean in Georgia said...

Hey! Where are you working???

Bentochan said...

Aeropostale in Town Center. My best friend swung a Black Friday position at me, but I've been so freaking awesome they've hired me on for the season! YESSSSSSSSS!