Monday, March 19, 2007


Well folks, I keep packing my lunch, but now my camera isn't taking focused pictures. *sigh* But don't worry, you're not missing much. I decided to work out some more and eat less, so it's mostly been ultra healthy turkey rolls and whatnot in the lunch these days, and lots of apples. Lots and lots of apples. Soon I'll start making Jello by the bucket, too.

And as for the working out more... It's funny how you forget some things until you're doing them again. I started working out, and all the reasons I don't particularly like doing it came back to mind. I've got bad knees, which isn't a problem when I'm doing floor work stuff like sit ups and push ups, and stretching. However, if I'm following a video and they're doing anything that the instructor starts off with saying "put your feet shoulder width apart" then I'm in trouble. My knees start creaking and popping, loudly, enough that people used to stare when I worked out at the gym. And while it doesn't hurt eventually it becomes uncomfortable enough that I have to stop and stretch, or stop altogether.

The other weird thing is I'll be doing whatever exercise and the instructor will say "you should feel this here" and it never does. I feel it somewhere else. For instance, we were doing this weird ab exercise where you're supposed to feel it along your side; I felt it in my spine. Some kind of leg stretch you're supposed to feel in your calves, I feel behind my knees. Who knows.

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