Thanksgiving through January is the worst time to know someone in retail. I swear I drop off the face of the earth. No hangouts, no movie time (unless it's midnight or something), no phone calls unless I'm at the grocery store.
My family knows this and deals with it. What I feel bad about this year is my other family, the biological one, which I don't think does. I feel like a jerk- I haven't spoken to my sister in a month or so. I called my biological mother for the first time back in early November or October or (OMG I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT DAY D:) and I said I'd come down and visit and I haven't called her back.
And now it's January and work is finally slacking off and I'm getting things together for the new school year and realizing I really, really need to call and explain myself.
1. I did not like this snow business this year. It was cold and wet and it made the roads scary.
2. Next year I'm starting all the Christmas knitting in June.
3. Thank god I have a new novel to work on or I'd go bonkers.