Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday 22

Despite the lack of posts I have been eating. ^_^

For lunch today we're having some wonderful chinese I ordered last night for dinner. Something under the name of "Mushroom Beef"- You can't see the rice in the picture, but it's there. Dried apples, fruit bar, boiled egg like usual. And for desert- Vanilla Pudding and Strawberries.

And here's a closeup of desert again. Oh man that looks good.

As for food this weekend...

We had heart shaped pancakes (I'm not sure why I did all of them that way. I think it was mostly the challenge of it.) Eggs over easy (except for mine, pictured. runny egg is only good on eggs benedict for me), strawberry topping and powdered sugar.

Lastly... I dropped one of the eggs on the floor. And then I burned two pancakes. These made their way onto a plate for the dog. At the table.

Cliff, do your cats eat at the table?